Are you behind your friends in level and desperately want to catch up, but do not want to spend a boatload of real life cash doing so? Then this guide is for you. If you ARE willing to spend a boatload of cash, then just pop a lucky egg and incense every time one runs out, but it will run you a pretty penny each day...
Preparation Strategy
As you may know by now, there are many sources of experience, and the highest are from hatching eggs and from evolving Pokémon that you do not already have into your Pokédex.
Egg Preparation
If you have or bought multiple egg incubators, perform the following steps:
- Put your 10 kM egg into the incubator
- Walk about 5 kM and play the game normally
- SAVE all your evolutions, do NOT evolve or train your Pokémon as that wastes valuable candies
- Do NOT catch any evolved Pokémon you have enough candies to evolve something you have into.
- Pop your 5 kM egg(s) into incubators.
- Walk 3 kM (playing normally)
- Pop any remaining 2 kM eggs into an incubator (preferably the infinite incubator).
- Walk 1.X kM (do not go 1.8 or 1.9, as that may prematurely start hatching your eggs).
Personally, I like to make sure I have an inventory full of 10 kM and 5 kM eggs rather than any 2 kM eggs since they give more experience.
Walk to a Good Location
Look for a location that has these two features:
- Plenty of Pokestops/Lures on the pokestops, and/or
- A safe place you can walk in straight lines with good cell reception.
Leveling Strategy
Now that you have everything in place, you are ready to get going.
- Pop your lucky egg, and start walking
- Hit every Pokéstop you see
- Start evolving every Pokémon available, EVERY SINGLE ONE
- Start from the bottom of your list, as that is where you will likely have more Pokémon that are not registered yet.
- Use two finger scroll to reach the bottom faster.
- Keep walking to make sure your eggs hatch.
- After you evolve all your Pokémon, pop an incense
- Play as much as possible until your lucky egg and incense run out.
Benefits of This Strategy
The main benefit of this strategy is that it allows you to fully maximize your Lucky Egg. For those of us that are not planning on picking up tons of them, you get one at levels 9, 10, 15, and every 5 levels after that.
This means that to maximize your lucky egg experience boost of 200%, you need to plan ahead and strategize.
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