Welcome to the Nerfplz Pokémon tier list, brought to you by a statistics fanatic that loves crunching numbers and winning games through data analysis.
This list specifically organizes Pokémon by strength in terms of gym attackers, meaning that it is heavily weighted towards their damage potential by attack values and type advantages on their potential move sets.
Additionally, it only features fully evolved Pokémon, as the evolved forms are all stronger than their unevolved forms; sorry Pikachu but you're getting hit with a Thunderstone.

Strongest Pokémon Rankings For Attacking Gyms
"What Are the Best to Use For Taking Down Gyms"
Preface Chatter
Welcome to the Nerfplz Pokémon tier list, brought to you by a statistics fanatic that loves crunching numbers and winning games through data analysis.This list specifically organizes Pokémon by strength in terms of gym attackers, meaning that it is heavily weighted towards their damage potential by attack values and type advantages on their potential move sets.
Additionally, it only features fully evolved Pokémon, as the evolved forms are all stronger than their unevolved forms; sorry Pikachu but you're getting hit with a Thunderstone.
HOT TIP: If you are trying to beat a specific Pokémon at a gym, be sure to check out the Type Advantage Chart to gain the greatest advantage!
* I found the image above on alphacoders.com, if anyone knows the actual artist feel free to drop a comment in the DISQUS section below!
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The Tier List
God Tier [Optimal Gym Demolishers]:
General Use: Mewtwo, Dragonite, Snorlax, Lapras, Vaporeon, Arcanine, Exeggutor, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Charizard, Gengar, Flareon, Nidoqueen, Victreebel, Wigglytuff, Blastoise, SlowbroNoteable Defense Crushers: Gengar (Shadow Claw), Lapras (Frost Breath), Nidoqueen (Bite), Vaporeon (Water Gun), Victreebel (Razor Leaf), Golduck (Water Gun)
Tier 1 [Can Defeat Most Gyms]:
General Use: Gyarados, Golem, Nidoking, Poliwrath, Venusaur, Vileplume, Golduck, Muk, Mew, Raichu, Rapidash, Cloyster, Starmie, Clefable, Aerodactyl, Jolteon, OmastarNoteable Defense Crushers: Cloyster (Frost Breath), Gyarados (Dragon Breath)
Tier 2 [Needs Type Advantages]:
General Use: Dewgong, Weezing, Ninetales, Primeape, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Alakazam, Kabutops, Machamp, Tentacruel, Seaking, Electabuzz, Magneton, Dodrio, Kingler, Seadra, Venomoth, Scyther, Jynx, Porygon, PinsirNoteable Defense Crushers: Dewgong (Frost Breath), Electabuzz (Thunder Shock)
Tier 3 [Needs Type and Level Advantage]:
General Use: Pidgeot, Magmar, Golbat, Sandslash, Persian, Hypno, Electrode, Parasect, Tauros, Marowak, Tangela, Lickitung, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime, Rhydon, Butterfree, Beedrill, Raticate, Farfetch'd, Chansey, Fearow, Arbok, Dugtrio, OnixInstructions and Caveats:
- Pokémon in BOLD I will talk about shortly
- Within each tier the Pokémon are strongest from left to right, but within a tier each Pokémon's strength is relatively close.
- This list takes into consideration the damage per second of each Pokémon.
Data Sources
- Moveset DPS sources from this link, 7/30/16 update
- Movesets from Pokemongodb
Pokémon Explanations
- Arcanine - This puppy is one of the strongest Pokémon in terms of sheer stats, and packs quite a punch. However, he unfortunately currently suffers from a type-disadvantage since there are relatively few grass-type Pokémon being used to defend gyms now. Additionally, he does awful against Vaporeon and Gyarados, which appear to be the crowd favorites in every gym.
- Gyarados - Despite being insanely hard to evolve, Gyarados' stats are not as high as you would expect for a creature of such difficulty. However, he does come equipped with Dragon Breath, allowing him to do bonus damage to Dragonites while not taking any bonus damage himself. However, he does not receive the same-type attack bonus (STAB), so it evens out a bit.
- Jolteon - The weakest of the three Eevee evolutions, her Thundershock is quite weak and generally causes her to lose against Vaporeons regardless of the type advantage. This is mainly a result of the 1.25x bonus multiplier, which is much lower than the 2x multiplier that you get in the regular Pokemon games.
- Lapras (Frost Breath) - Against most dragon types, Lapras is the absolute best Pokémon to bring around since she gets a double attack multiplier, AND the STAB bonus when using Frost Breath.
- Mewtwo - Although Mewtwo is not available in the game yet, he was data-mined from the APK and is apparently going to pack a bigger punch than any Pokémon we've ever seen. A fitting start for a champion. The legendary birds follow a similar reasoning.
- Nidoqueen (Bite) - There are not any DARK type Pokémon in the first generation, but "Bite" is currently the strongest fast-type attack. A massive stat stick, Nidoqueens works well against any psychic types you encounter for now.
- Raichu - His type advantage against water types does not quite make up for the extremely low damage output on his potential movesets. As a result, you will find he loses many advantageous type match-ups.
- Snorlax - Although his damage itself is not the highest in the game, the HP allows him to absolutely slaughter any other Pokémon in the game just by mashing on your phone screen.
- Victreebel (Razor Leaf) - In a world with extremely weak electric types, taking down enemy Vaporeons is extremely difficult. The current best Pokémon to counter Vaporeon at the moment is Victreebel, but watch out for Lapras as her Frost Breath will crush Victreebel like a bug.
- Wigglytuff - After the latest round of buffs and nerfs, Pound is now the single strongest fast DPS move. Currently, Wigglytuff is the strongest normal type that can learn Pound, meaning that he is the strongest Pokémon that gets a STAB bonus from the strongest fast move.
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