Needless to say, even the strongest Pokémon drop very quickly.

Defending against enemy teams in Pokémon Go is nearly a futile task. As a defender, you get the opportunity to battle multiple people at the same time with the game's built-in AI, each of which is running six Pokémon.
Needless to say, even the strongest Pokémon drop very quickly.
How Do We Defend the Onslaught?
With such a difficult challenge ahead, how can we possibly defend our gyms for the 21 hours necessary to get our hard earned Pokécoins?
The answer lies in a diversified team that focuses on defeating Pokémon that counter that others in your group.
For example, if you live near the water and happen to have gyms full of Golducks and Gyarados, drop in an Exeggutor or a Victreebel to see if you can milk some wins that way.
However, note that ice moves will make quick work of your Pokémon.
That being said, certain Pokémon are definitely better than others at defending, including Lapras with her powerful ice moves and stats, and Vaporeon, who can generally take down most electric types despite her type disadvantage.
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The Tier List
God Tier [Optimal Gym Defenders]:
General Use: Mewtwo, Lapras, Dragonite, Snorlax, Vaporeon, Exeggutor, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Gengar, Victreebel, PoliwrathTier 1 [Moderately Impressive Effort, Will Die]:
General Use: Gyarados, Wigglytuff, Blastoise, Slowbro, Golem, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Venusaur, Golduck, Muk, Mew, Raichu, Rapidash, Cloyster, Starmie, Clefable, Aerodactyl, OmastarTier 2 [Will Quickly Get Taken Down]:
General Use: Arcanine, Charizard, Jolteon, Flareon, Vileplume, Dewgong, Weezing, Ninetales, Primeape, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Alakazam, Kabutops, Machamp, Tentacruel, Seaking, Electabuzz, Magneton, Dodrio, Kingler, Seadra, Venomoth, Jynx, Porygon,Tier 3 [EXP Fodder]:
General Use: Scyther, Pinsir, Pidgeot, Magmar, Golbat, Sandslash, Persian, Hypno, Electrode, Parasect, Tauros, Marowak, Tangela, Lickitung, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime, Rhydon, Butterfree, Beedrill, Raticate, Farfetch'd, Chansey, Fearow, Arbok, Dugtrio, OnixInstructions and Caveats:
- Pokémon in BOLD I will talk about shortly
- Within each tier the Pokémon are strongest from left to right, but within a tier each Pokémon's strength is relatively close.
- This list takes into consideration the damage per second of each Pokémon.
Data Sources
- Moveset DPS sources from this link, 7/30/16 update
- Movesets from Pokemongodb
- Image from wallpapercave.com, let me know if you can find the original artist so I can credit ~
Pokémon Explanations
- Arcanine - Fire types naturally get slaughtered in this game as a result of Vaporeon's strength and popularity, even after the Water Gun nerfs. As a result, he tends to be an impressive Gym placement, but ends up getting smashed down in short order. The last patch did buff some of skills though, so we may start seeing him around more if only because he looks awesome.
- Dragonite - Dragon types have few weaknesses, but he still needs to watch out for Lapras or any other Pokémon packing ice moves as a result of his dual weakness.
- Lapras - One of the strongest Pokémon offensively, Lapras also packs quite a bit of defensive bulk. When combined with her powerful ice moves and her dual water type that reduces fire daamge, she ends up being one of the best gym defenders.
- Pinsir - Pinsir is one of those Pokémon with decently high CP, but awful type advantages and special attacks. As a result, placing your own Pinsir in the gym allows you to quickly train up your gym's prestige and your own experience by utilizing Pigeottos (with flying moves) as training fodder.
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